One Brilliant Bootcamp

One Nucleus ran their inaugural Boston Bootcamp at the end of April, and Enhanc3D Genomics was one of the winners who got to benefit from the experience. Hazel Jones, CEO at Enhanced, reflects on the week and the lasting benefits of stepping out of the day job.

“This bootcamp was a brilliant opportunity to build knowledge, connections, and take a deep dive into the US market through a range of sessions, presentations and networking.

“Leading a startup involves wearing a lot of hats, so stepping out from under those hats to come together with other founders, hear from experts and connect with investors was invaluable.

“The week enabled me and my fellow participants to understand the local ecosystem in Boston and the wider US market. A real standout for me was the session with Ben from Mass Bio – whose mission, to advance life sciences, grow the industry and add value to the healthcare system to improve patient lives – resonated with what we do at Enhanced.

“We got to explore all the steps involved in setting up in the US, from starting small by hiring a desk, to developing lab space.

“The financial insights were also incredibly beneficial, with a full review of financial considerations in the US market and what it means to ‘flip’. And, of course, there was a huge benefit from being able to connect with US investors and hearing from them directly about what they need to see to fund companies looking to break into the US market.

“The knowledge and insights gained from my time in Boston will add immense value for Enhanced and all the participating companies. But perhaps the biggest ongoing value will come from the connections we all made – not just with potential partners and investors, but with other CEOs. We learned together and built confidence and comradery over our shared challenges.

“For any biotechs looking to partner and grow in the US, I thoroughly recommend putting your company forward for opportunities like the One Nucleus Boston Bootcamp.”